Fixed an issue where a one-way sync job to a remote rsync server on a QuTS hero NAS would fail if the setting "Remove additional files in destination folder" was selected, and the source did not have a folder but the destination did. Fixed an issue where a "Cannot upload to the cloud service" error would appear when running a backup or sync job to Amazon S3 if the destination bucket name contained a period (.). Added support for new regions on Oracle Cloud (Marseille, France Jerusalem, Israel Milan, Italy Singapore, Singapore and Abu Dhabi, UAE). Added an explanation to the advanced setting "Remove additional files in destination folder" that system files are never deleted if the destination is a QNAP NAS.

Users can now find the selection control only in the More menu of each job in the left panel job list. To prevent user confusion, on the "Backup & Restore" and "Sync" screens we removed a duplicate UI selection control in the upper-right More menu for cloning a job. Support Milestone Surveillance Platform.NAS Smart Surveillance System Solutions.NDR Solutions against Targeted Ransomware.Software-defined Platform Total Solution.Support Platform9’s Managed OpenStack Solution.